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The traffic jams may soon rival Moscow's.

The traffic in this city is arranged in apple-pie order. 这个城市的交通管理井井有条。
The traffic is backed up for miles. 由于交通阻塞,车子排了好几英里。
The traffic is jammed in front and behind.??There's no way out of this deadlock ! 交通前后都被堵住了。没有办法走出这个僵局。
The traffic is moving very slowly. 路上来往车辆开得非常慢。
The traffic jam was at its maximum at 8:00. 八点交通阻塞到了它的最高点。
The traffic jams may soon rival Moscow's. 该市的交通堵塞也将能够与莫斯科的一决高下。
The traffic light at the next corner turned red, but he whipped right at the corner without slowing. 下一个路角的交通信号灯转成了红色,但是他毫不减速在路角猛力右转。
The traffic light becoming red means that all the vehicles should stop. 红灯亮意味着所有车辆都应该停下来。
The traffic light was green. 信号灯是绿灯.
The traffic lights changed from green to amber to red. 交通灯从绿色变成琥珀色再变成红色。
The traffic lights have changed (from red to green). 交通灯由红灯变绿灯了.

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