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In terms of overall mechanical smartness and stability performance, Raffles has satisfied the multifunctional products' needs with its unique manufacturing, and successfully designed and produced large-sized non-standard series mechanical equipment.

In terms of money, her loss was small. (从金钱的角度来讲,她的损失是很小的。)
In terms of natural resources it is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe. 就自然资源来说,它是西欧最贫乏的国家之一。
In terms of natural resources, it is one of the poorest countries in south American. 就自然资源而言,该国是南美洲最贫穷的国家之一。
In terms of originality, creativity and overall quality of songs, Taiwan is way ahead of Hong Kong. 在歌曲原创性、创意和整体素质上,台湾显然远胜香港。
In terms of our capacity to sample the relevant universes, however, and the probability that our images of these universes are at least approximately correct, one suspects that a reverse order is more reasonable. 然而,考虑到我们对有关领域的研究能力,以及我们对这些领域的认识至少大体正确这一点,也许以相反的顺序排列这三类学科更为合理。
In terms of overall mechanical smartness and stability performance, Raffles has satisfied the multifunctional products' needs with its unique manufacturing, and successfully designed and produced large-sized non-standard series mechanical equipment. 在机械整体美观方面、稳定性能设计方面,“莱弗士”以独特的制造构思满足不同产品的多种功能需求,成功地设计制造了大型非标准的机械系列设备。
In terms of payment, would you like to accept D/P? 付款方式方面,您愿意接受付款交单吗?
In terms of performance, the group starts at a level slightly below the sum of the individuals' levels and then drops abruptly to its nadir until it climbs during Norming to a new level of Performing which is (hopefully) well above the start. 表现在曲线上,最初团队水准略微低于团队中个人水准的总合,然后在震荡阶段跌落最低点,在经历规范到表现阶段之后就会有所突破(希望是这样)。
In terms of prestige and kudos, the League Cup is almost like the poor relation of the domestic Cup competitions. 就名气与荣誉来说,联赛杯似乎是一个在国内没有分量的杯赛.
In terms of price/earnings ratios, share valuations have steadily fallen since the American market began rallying in late 2003. 就市盈率而言,自2003年底美国市场开始恢复元气之时,股票价值已经在稳步下跌。
In terms of promoting its resources, Saskatchewan has no shortage of global marketing experience. 就推销资源而言,萨斯喀彻温省并不缺乏全球市场营销的经验。

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