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Helping people see that ROI is bunk in a world where intangibles are paramount.

Helping him gain control of his weight situation, rather than moaning about the calories in his beer, will give him more determination to keep on track. 与抱怨他啤酒里卡路里含量相比,帮助他在体重问题上掌握主动,会使他更有决心地按部就班进行下去。
Helping marginalized youth: illiteracy, urban areas, unemployment; job skills training, etc. 帮助处于社会边缘的青少年:文盲,城市地区,失业,职业训练等等。
Helping other people does my heart good. 帮助别人,真使我高兴。
Helping other people, influencing other people! 帮助他人,影响他人!
Helping our youth take on the responsibility in the changing and interdependent World, and to prepare for obtaining developing opportunity. 帮助年轻人在这个不断变化,相互依赖的世界承担责任,为获得发展机会做好准备。
Helping people see that ROI is bunk in a world where intangibles are paramount. 在这个无形资产至上的世界里,帮助人们了解ROI是一个虚假的东西。
Helping students achieve the five course challenges is a thorough set of lecture notes, complemented by class overviews and necessary handouts. 本课程网页有一套完备的课堂讲稿,辅以课堂讨论与课堂派发的讲义,可协助同学们通过本课程的“五大要求”。
Helping students to pinpoint key grammar errors. Students have to spot the errors in sentences from a law assignment and correct them. 帮助学生指出主要的语法错误。学生先指出摘自一篇法律文章中的句子中的语法错误然后进行改正。
Helping students to understand how to find the key word for an index or search engine. 帮助学生认识怎样用关键词作为资料的索引或搜索词。
Helping students to understand the importance of backing up their opinions. 帮助学生认识到支持自己观点的重要性。
Helping the enemies of noe's country is an apparent treason. 帮助自己国家的敌人是一种明显的叛国行为。

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