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If your troubles break your stride,my love will get you home.

If your tendon pain lasts more than a few weeks, see a doctor to rule out another, potentially more serious cause of the pain, such as a stress fracture. 如果你的腱子痛持续长达数个星期,应该到医生那里就诊去找出那个潜在的严重的引起你疼痛的原因,比如压迫性骨折。
If your text is buried under hundreds of lines of code, then you'll be at a disadvantage compared to the top-ranking and well-optimized websites that compete for your keyword. 如果你的文本隐藏在几百行的代码中,那么你与排名前列优化良好的网站相比将处于劣势。
If your time log shows your efficiency ratio to be on the low side, try severely limiting your total amount of working time for a day, and see what happens. 假如你的日程表显示你的效率比十分低下,那就试着在一天中严格限制你的工作总时间,看看成果如何。
If your treatment method is to let you touch the agony constantly, you may strengthen the most passive state wanted to change originally . 如果你的治疗方法就是一再地让你触及痛苦,你就可能加深原想改变的最消极状态。
If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home. 如果回家的路上遇上什么困难,我的爱会带你回家。
If your troubles break your stride,my love will get you home. 如果明亮的光蒙蔽你的眼睛,我的爱将带你回家.
If your tuition includes room and board, why spend extra money on meals? Also, it's much time-saving of one eats in between classes than going out. 如果你缴的学费中包含了膳宿,为何要另外花钱吃饭呢!而且在课间于餐厅用餐比到外面省时间。
If your uncle knew what you're doing, he'd turn over in his grave. 如果你叔父知道你在做什么,他虽死难安。
If your watch was, say, 47 minutes fast, this fixed cost would have to be borne every time you looked at it, because being 47 minutes early for everything is even more costly than having to perform mental arithmetic. 比如说,如果你的手表被拨快了47分钟,那你每次看表的时候都要承担这种固定成本,因为提前47分钟的成本甚至要高于必须进行心算本身。
If your water comes from a source that is prone to blue-green algal contamination (dugouts, for example), you should monitor the water for bloom formation. 如果您来自一个源头的水,很容易蓝藻污染(土坯举例)你应该留意水中盛开的形成.
If your web design does not clutch their attention immediately, they won't stick around. 如果你的站点不能够直接地紧扣访问者的注意,那么他们也不会在光顾你的网站。

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