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While the XinHua news agency remarked yesterday, “Right now, We should firmly stop the overspeed of increase of investment of fixed assets.

While the US still trades at a significant premium to Europe, US valuations relative to peers have improved. 美国股票相对于欧洲而言仍然有相当高的溢价,但相对于同类国家而言估值已经有所改善。
While the US, as one of the world's most open societies, is exposed to scrutiny, other nations, including those most vocal against Washington's position, might already be pursuing anti-satellite technologies behind closed doors, some independent observers 一些独立观察家说,当美国做为世界上最为开放的社会之一在接受详细审查的同时,其它国家,包括那些强烈反对华盛顿立场的国家,很可能已经关起门来在从事反卫星技术的研究。
While the Union lasts, we have high, exciting, gratifying prospects spread out before us, for us and our children. 只要联邦继续存在,我们就能在我们自己和孩子们面前展现出美好高尚、激动人心、令人满意的前景。
While the West goes about its business, Russia gains nothing by going off into a corner to sulk. 西方依然我行我素,而俄罗斯一无所获,只好缩在旮旯里生气。
While the White House dug its heels in[1] on global warming, much of the rest of the country was moving. 当白宫在全球气候变暖问题上始终坚持拒绝有所作为时,该国其他许多人都行动了起来。
While the XinHua news agency remarked yesterday, “Right now, We should firmly stop the overspeed of increase of investment of fixed assets. 而新华社昨天发表评论,“当前我们必须坚决遏制固定资产投资过快增长”。
While the Yankees called the problem a cramp,it's probably more involved, since Wang underwent tests. 虽然洋基声称是抽筋,可能有更多的问题,因为阿民做了近一步的检查。
While the Yankees haven't announced their playoff and player roles yet, it seems clear Lidle is headed for long relief. 然而洋基并未宣布他们季后赛球员的任务工作,但似乎比较倾向将莱多安插在中继的工作.
While the ancient historians emphasized teaching people how to become perfect and sage, the modern historians attempted to explore the historical stage of human activities, and the present historians preceded a comprehensive and systematic philosophic exp 古代史学家重在教人如何成为完人和圣人,近代史学家着力探求人们活动的历史舞台,现代史学家则对人类社会自身进行了全面而系统的哲学探讨以求能够自由地把握人类历史的命运。
While the authors of the paper comment positively on the innumerable other areas similar with Beibei model, they argue for the Dingxian model for most rural areas centering on breeding and farming, which is peculiar for the combination of developmental an 但就广大以种植业和养殖业为主的农村地区来说,遵循农业内涵式发展道路的“定县模式”,才是走上农业现代化之路,践行科学发展观的正确抉择。
While the babies may be simply mimicking their moms' withdrawn or angry demeanor, University of Miami's Tiffany Field, Ph.D., and James Madison University's Jeffrey Pickens, Ph.D., think that the reason for the infants' negative affect may be far more com 在一个对84个三个月大的婴儿做的研究中,心理学者们发现,对比那些母亲没有抑郁症状的婴儿,有抑郁母亲的婴儿明显的更多出现忧愁或愤怒的表情,而较少的对事物感兴趣。

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