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Looking at a dog makes you hungry.

Looking and seeking, when the summer rain is pouring down, forming chains of bead curtain whose vast expanse of whiteness screens the sur-rounding scenery, that mysterious thin gauze seems to be a dream, a vi-sion. 寻寻觅觅,夏雨哗哗啦啦地下着,连成一串串小珠帘,穿过它,四处的景物被一层白茫茫的雨雾遮住了,那种神秘的轻纱,如梦如幻。
Looking around at any particular time in any particular place, it is easy to find a stunning bombshell hanging off the arm of a beauty-challenged gentleman. 随时随地环顾一下四周,都不难发现有某位惊艳美女正挽着一名长相抱歉的男士的手臂。
Looking at Calder's art, you see he created objects in biomorphic or abstract shapes that remind you of natural things such as animals, plants, or parts of people. 看著卡德的艺术作品,你会看出他以生物或抽象概念来设计与制作他的作品,这会让你想到许多自然的东西,例如动物、植物,甚至是人类呢!
Looking at Taiwan's present social and economic conditions, many families are able to send their children abroad almost every year for summer vacation studies. 以台湾今日的社经条件而言,很多家庭几乎每年暑假都可以把孩子送到国外游学。
Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction. 观赏一幅美丽的图画使人心满意足。
Looking at a dog makes you hungry. 看到狗会觉得饿。
Looking at all our answers to all our questions, what one direction of change seems to be emerging, and how could our brand capitalize on it? 审视所有问题的答案,其中浮现出的一个改变的方向是什么?我们的品牌如何利用它?
Looking at familiar situations in unfamiliar ways, The Undercover Economist is a fresh explanation of the fundamental principles of the modern economy, illuminated by examples from the streets of London to the booming skyscrapers of Shanghai to the sleepy 以不寻常的方式来看待这些寻常之事的《卧底经济学家》,对现代经济基本原理做出了一个新颖的解释,例证广泛,从伦敦的大街小巷到上海层出不穷的摩天大楼,再到布鲁日的潺缓运河,全都有所涉及。
Looking at her warm face, I was shocked. What a sweet love of strawberries! 我望着她微红的脸,心中一阵亟动,草莓之爱,甜甜的,暖暖的。
Looking at our own country from the outside, we can clearly see the strong points and weak points of our nation. 在国外看我们的祖国,我们可以清楚地看到我国的强项和薄弱环节。
Looking at sexy pictures or reading erotic writing can be a turn on for people; some people enjoy these while masturbating. 看性感照片或读色情小说可以使某些人兴奋。有些人就很享受在手淫时做这些事。

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