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Inequality is another front on which the bank is ill-equipped to fight.

Inequalities in wealth cause social unrest. 贫富不均可造成社会动荡.
Inequality and growth: What does the transition economy data say? 不均等与增长:转型期经济数据证明了什么?
Inequality between men and women is the root cause of the right to private ownership and male social repression. 男女不平等的根源是私有制和男权社会的压制。
Inequality in daily life is an important area not to be overlooked in gender study. 摘要日常生活领域里的不平等,是社会性别研究不可忽视的重要领域。
Inequality in education remains a matter of concern for all countries, yet discrimination continues to permeate schools and educational systems. 教育上的不平等对很多国家来说仍是一件值得关注之事,歧视现象在学校与教育系统内仍很常见。
Inequality is another front on which the bank is ill-equipped to fight. 不平等是世行战备不力的另一条阵线。
Inequity will not be eliminated by the year 2010. 些学生愿意把很多时间花在不到校学习。
Inert gas protect welding is used, special glue is applied for the second sealing to ensure no leakage. 使用惰性气体保护焊接,并灌注专用胶进行二次密封,确保电池无泄漏。
Inertia stabilizers give an agility bonus only. 惯性稳定器只对灵敏度加成。
Inertial Frame in Special Relativity, Spacetime, Lorentz Transformation, Lorentz Contraction, Time Dilation, Velocity Transformation, Relativistic Optics, Relativistic Particle Mechanics, Relativistic and Electromagnetism. 特殊相对论之惯性座标、时空、劳伦兹变换、劳伦兹收缩、时间延伸速度变换、相对论光学、相对论质点力学、相对论电磁学。
Inertial force still plays leading role under micro-metre scale, it could move the particles in micro-fluid so as to eliminate the chocking phenomenon of micro-nozzle. 惯性力在微米尺度下仍然起主导作用,可以驱动微流体中微粒的移动,消除微喷嘴堵塞现象。

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