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Sorry to have given you trouble.

Sorry to bother you, but can I you ask a question? What does ** do, specifically? What are the specific functions of it? 很冒昧的打扰您,向您请教一个问题,请问**具体是做什么的?具体工作有哪些?
Sorry to bother you. I just want to chat with you. 很抱歉打扰你,我只是想跟你聊一聊.
Sorry to butt in like this... 对不起,我插一句……
Sorry to butt in, but do I hear you say you'll get married next month? 对不起打断一下,我听说你下个月要结婚了?
Sorry to chip in, but did you say Mary was coming soon? 对不起插一下话,我听你说玛丽不久要来,对吗?
Sorry to have given you trouble. 对不起,打扰了。
Sorry to have lost your calling card. 对不起,把你的名片丢了。
Sorry to have taken up so much of your time. 很抱歉占用你这么多时间.
Sorry to inform that the outing held tomorrow is CANCELLED due to squally thunderstorm is forecasted. 由于恶劣天气及预测有狂风雷暴,明天早上举行的观鸟活动现已取消。
Sorry to inform that we are unable to issue an invitation for you, We really hope you can try your best to get the invitation and visit our company, if you make it to get the visa by yourself, we will be at all out effort to assure you a fruitful and happ 为这个事情我曾经咨询过经验丰富的我们香港公司的业务经理,他说凡是办理邀请函的尽量避免,特别是非洲的(当然也有好客户),但是在我们分不清楚的情况下,尽量不办,就回复客人说我们无法办到邀请函,如果他们能自己签证过来参观工厂的话,我们将非常欢迎。
Sorry to interrupt but I have a question. 抱歉打断一下,我想问一个问题。

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