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Because, They will turn many to righteousness(Daniel 12:3).

Because your birthday is coming. 073因为你的生日快到了。
Because your friendship means so much, I pray that you and I will always somehow keep in touch as days and years go by. 因为你的友谊如此重要,我只想对你说,不管岁月怎样流逝,你与我一定要设法保持联系。
Because your raging against Me And your arrogance have come up into My ears, I will put My hook in your nose, And My bridle in your lips; And I will turn you back on the way by which you came. 28因你向我发烈怒,又因你狂傲的话上达我的耳中,我必用钩子钩住你的鼻子,把嚼环放在你的嘴里,使你从原路转回去。
Because your relationship with your woman will likely be affected by this new experience, you need to be absolutely clear on which acts she's comfortable with -- and what to avoid doing -- in advance. 因为你与你的女人的关系很大程度上会被这种新体验所影响,你需要--预先--彻底了解清楚哪些举动她感觉舒服,又有哪些举动需要回避。
Because zero point energy is the lowest possible energy a system can have, this energy cannot be removed from the system. 因为零点能是系统中所能包含的最小能量,这个能量是不能被从系统中取出的。
Because, They will turn many to righteousness(Daniel 12:3). 因为“使多人归义”(但以理书12:3)。
Because, at face value, promoting happiness is an incontestable aim, it would be ideal for steamrolling opposition to policies that, on closer inspection, pose the same very real tough choices that are a continual presence in politics. 因为从表面上看,增进幸福是一个无可辩驳的目标,它可以压倒对某些政策的反对,而实际上,这些政策构成政治上永远存在的非常真实的艰难选择。
Because, each girls all have a white horse prince's fond dream, hoped I the white horse prince is you. 因为,每个女孩都有一个白马王子的美梦,希望我的白马王子就是你。
Because, frankly, Liverpool look like they are doing more of a Chelsea than Chelsea ever did. How tasteless and vulgar. 因为利物浦现在比切尔西更切尔西。多么庸俗乏味啊!
Because, if he can draw support from the black magic the strength, the success passes through gates of the hell 12 dark night, as well as all wicked spirit preventing, finally becomes in smoothly Zhu Shen a speech, he will be able the subjects who will ke 因为,假如他能够借助魔法的力量,成功穿越地府十二道黑夜之门、以及所有恶灵的阻挡,最后顺利地成为诸神中一员的话,他将能为他留在人世的子民们带来平安和幸运。
Because, if there is only one God, and if he directs human events and graciously reveals his will to those who seek him, then to try any other way to know or control the future amounts to idolatry. 因为如果神是独一无二的,而祂引导人类历史并出于恩典将祂的旨意启示给寻求祂的人,那么尝试用任何其它方式知道或控制未来就构成偶像崇拜。

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