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They're still smarting from their defeat in the final.

They're so shorthanded at my cousin Joe's office that he has to wear two hats. 这句话的意思是:我表兄乔伊的公司人手很少,他不得不同时担任两个职务。
They're so swift no one would dare race me,said the hare proudly. 看我的长腿,多么敏捷,没人敢跟我赛跑!
They're spending this year in Europe. 他们会在欧洲待上一整年。
They're sticking out for higher wages. 他们坚持要求提高工资.
They're still powerless to tell me how it feels to go from heaven to hell. 他们依然无法告诉我从天堂到地狱的感觉。
They're still smarting from their defeat in the final. 他们仍在为决赛失败而伤心.
They're studying a kind of medicine as its substitution . 他们正在研制一种该药的替代品.
They're talking in French. 他们正在用法语交谈。
They're tearingdown these old houses to build a new office block. 他们正拆除这些旧房子以便建一座新办公楼.
They're terrified becuase they think I'm really Malfoy. 他们认为我是真的马尔福,非常害怕。
They're the New York Yankees, winners of 26 World Series championships and nine straight division titles. 他们是纽约洋基队,赢过26次世界大赛冠军和连续九年的分区冠军。

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