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Invented by a solitary, an incontestable theoretician of unconscious (which is not what one images it will be—the unconscious, I would say , is real), it is now practiced in couples.

Invasion is a new strategic game where you will conquest the world with bloody battles of ancient armies. 入侵是一款新的战略游戏,在里面你将通过运用远古大军进行血腥的战争来征服整个世界!
Invasion, conquest, and control of a nation or territory by foreign armed forces. 侵略外国军队对一个国家或其边境的侵略、征服和控制
Invasive sleeping pads are available at stores catering to campers. 这种睡垫在户外用品店可以买到。
Invasive tissue studies can be fruitful when used appropriately and should be considered for spectfic indication only. 侵犯性的组织检验若使用得当可以提高诊断率,在有特异适应症时可加以考虑。
Invensys is a global automation, controls and process solutions Group. The Group is headquartered in London and is listed on the London Stock Exchange, with 35,000 employees working in 60 countries. 英维思集团是全球自动化及控制领域最大的公司之一,总部设在英国伦敦,属伦敦上市公司,目前在全球60多个国家和地区设有子公司,拥有约35000名员工。
Invented by a solitary, an incontestable theoretician of unconscious (which is not what one images it will be—the unconscious, I would say , is real), it is now practiced in couples. 被一个孤独的,无庸置疑的无意识(那不是人们想象它将是的——无意识,我愿意说,是实在)的理论家所创造,它现在被成对地使用。
Invented in 1986 as a light-hearted guide to whether currencies are at their “correct” level, burgernomics is based on the theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP). 汉堡包经济学发明于1986年,(最初是)作为一种轻松的指导(来评价)货币是否处于其“正确”的水平,汉堡包经济学是基于购买力平价(PPP)理论。
Invented in 1986 as a light-hearted guide to whether currencies are at their “correct” level, our “basket” is a McDonalds' Big Mac, which is produced locally in almost 120 countries. 在1986年发明的作为轻松指导货币是否在“正确”水平上的指数,我们的“篮子”就是在120多个国家生产的麦当劳汉堡包。
Invention is the mother of necessity. 发明是需要之母.
Inventor and balloonist Frederick Eshoo drifts over Albuquerque, New Mexico, in his invention, Sunstat, the first maneuverable solar hot-air balloon. 发明家及热气球驾驶者弗雷德里克·埃索驾驶着他的发明--首架可操纵太阳能热气球在美国新墨西哥州的阿尔伯克基上空飘过。
Inventories are normally accounted for at historical cost, as the cost principle requires. 根据历史成本原则,存货通常按历史成本进行会计处理。

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