The self-regulatory agency acknowledged that upon reading the leaflet it was clearly advertising material, but said at first sight it could easily be mistaken for a parking ticket and “was likely to cause distress to recipients”.
这个广告业界自律机构坦承,只要看了传单内容就会清楚知道是一张广告单,但表示,乍看之下这份广告单很容易被误认为是停车违规罚单,并且「可能令收到的人感到困扰」。 |
The self-reported questionnaire with random cluster sampling was applied to collect the data.
采丛集抽样方式以台湾地区体育相关科系学生共1,130名为研究对象,获得有效卷数1,103份。 |
The self-style decadent insists on lying down in the belief that he is hopelessly paralyzed.
那自称为颓废派者,由于深信自己已毫无希望地全身麻痹而坚持要躺下来。 |
The self-styled Special Onerarely praised Shevchenko and pointedly ignored the Ukrainian when he scored in Chelsea's embarrassing 1-1 Champions League draw with Norwegian side Rosenborg on Tuesday night.
这个有个性的“特殊男”很少表扬舍普琴科,并且特别忽略了乌克兰人在切尔西欧冠被罗森博格的比赛中打进了1球。 |
The self-styled Prince Roy adopted a flag, chose a national anthem and minted silver and gold coins.
自封为王的罗伊王子专为“海国”确定了国旗、国歌,还发行了金银铸币。 |
The self-styled straight talker is badly out of tune with the American people.
这个自成一派的直言者并没和美国人民一个鼻孔出气。 |
The self-styled “postman for emotions” has personally “mailed” almost 4,000 messages, which have washed up on beaches in France, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands.
这位自诩为“情感邮差”的人已经亲自“投递”了将近4000封信,这些“信件”已经飘流到了法国、德国、瑞典和荷兰的海滩。 |
The self-taught capability, as the most important sustainable development of people, plays the important role in the people's lifelong study and education.
摘要人类最重要的可持续发展能力是自学能力,在人的可持续发展实现途径即终身学习和终身教育中,扮演著重要角色。 |
The self-timer is sometimes very useful.
有时候定时装置很有用。 |
The self-transcendentness of Metaphysics, one it illustrates the transcendent-tradition of rationality culture, another, it appears the inward self-limitation Bewusstheit of metaphysics.
形而上学的自我超越性,一方面说明了西方理性文化传统的超越性,另一方面说明了形而上学内在着“自律”意识。 |
The self-tuning fuzzy control algorithm including a back-propagation-based fuzzy controller and the gradient descent method is applied to reduce the pitch motion of the SWATH ship with control stabilizing fins.
控制模式为一自调模糊控制,包括应用一类神经倒传递观念的模糊控制器及梯度下降法来减少纵摇运动。 |