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The baby began to cry again,his face very pale and his lips colourless.

The babies(whom/that)the nurses are looking after are very healthy. 那些护士正在照顾的宝宝们非常健康。
The babies, Carolina and Pablo, grew into bright and healthy children, … By some accounts, they knew they were adopted. By all accounts, they were lovingly cared for. 婴儿卡罗莱娜跟巴卜罗长成又聪明又健康的儿童……据某些人说,他们知道他们是被收养的。据所有的人说,他们有受到疼爱与照顾。
The baboon has a dog-like face. 狒狒有一张像狗一样的脸。
The baboon is very ugly. 狒狒非常丑陋。
The baby babbled for hours. 那婴孩呀呀学语了好几个小时。
The baby began to cry again,his face very pale and his lips colourless. 那婴儿又哭了起来,他面色苍白,嘴唇发青。
The baby boom has already put ho itals and doctors on alert in major cities. 在一些大城市,这一生育高潮已经让很多医院和大夫崩紧了弦。
The baby boom has already put hospitals and doctors on alert in major cities. 在一些大城市,这一生育高潮已经让很多医院和大夫绷紧了弦。
The baby can swim underwater. 这婴孩可在水下游泳。
The baby can't even walk, let alone run. 这小孩连走路都不会,更不用说跑了。
The baby can't even walk, let alone run. 这个婴儿连走路都不会,更不用说跑了。

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