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I was frustrated, I was venting,Bryant said.

I was basically in the foetal position, basically in hysterics ... and having severe anxiety and panic attacks,she said. 她说:“我基本上处于胎儿的位置,有点歇斯底里,也伴有严重的焦虑和惊恐。”
I was definitely shocked by the amount of lead in [this] woman's product,he said. We've never seen that much lead in a multivitamin before. 他说:“我被这种女性专用品种铅的含量震惊,我们以前从来没有看到过一个复合维生素中含有这么大量的铅。”
I was disappointed with the Chelsea directors when I wanted to renegotiate my contract, I cannot accept the lack of respect,he told The People. “当我想重新商讨我的合同时,我对切尔西俱乐部经理的表现很失望,我也不能忍受缺少尊敬的的生活。”他对人们说。
I was eyes to the blind And feet to the lame. 伯29:15我为瞎子的眼、瘸子的脚。
I was fed up working like a dog up front without too much resulting for me in return. “我已经厌烦了做一名前场的工兵球员,因为我没有得到太多的回报。”
I was frustrated, I was venting,Bryant said. 科比说:“当时我只是很沮丧,只是想发泄一下。”
I was going to the gym and I was taking a protein shake and if you overdose it's really painful. “我正赶往体育场,我喝了很多蛋白质酒,要知道如果配药过量的话是很痛苦的。
I was hoping they'd do badly here. “我不希望澳大利亚队晋级下一论。”
I was in great distress,Andy said calmly, coldly. “我伤痛欲绝,”安迪冷静地说,就象是一个人在背购物清单。
I was in my car once, near the Trafford Centre on the outskirts of Manchester, when he rang me on my mobile phone. 我曾在曼彻斯特离老特拉夫德中心不远的地方,在车里接他打来的电话.
I was jogging to get to the PX before it closed,he explained, and as I passed the jeep, I noticed that the speedometer read five m.p.h. 我遛达着要在邮局关门之前到达那里,他解释道:当我超过吉普车时,我注意到计速器指向了每小时五英里。

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