Superb work patterns, lines of smooth, lively and detailed characterization, vivid and brilliant cut the Eagle with pride and foot trunk, and starting to be more patience. |
中文意思: 作品雕工精湛,线条流畅,刻画生动细腻,栩栩如生,精琢的雄鹰昂首挺胸,脚踏树干,引颈待起。 |
Super-High strong steel frame with slow lowering when load and quick lowering when unload.
超高强度货叉结构具有满载慢降、空载快降功能。 |
Super-K's photomultiplier tubes are much like lightbulbs the size of large computer monitors: evacuated glass spheroids, 50 centimeters in diameter.
超级神冈的光电倍增管,是个像大型电脑萤幕那麽大的灯泡:直径50公分、抽了真空的玻璃球状物。 |
Super-fans - Are HP Devotees the Next Generation of Star Wars Fans?
HP的粉丝们会成为“下一代像星战迷那么狂热的群体”吗? |
SuperPaster is based on the Clipboard of the system.
他对剪贴板内中的数据实行管制,并粘贴到其他法式. |
Superb heat preserving,insulating and energy-saving performance;superb sound insulating performance;superb anti-frosting and antifogging performance.
卓越的保温、隔热和节能性能;卓越的隔音性能;卓越的防结霜和防结雾性能。 |
Superb work patterns, lines of smooth, lively and detailed characterization, vivid and brilliant cut the Eagle with pride and foot trunk, and starting to be more patience.
作品雕工精湛,线条流畅,刻画生动细腻,栩栩如生,精琢的雄鹰昂首挺胸,脚踏树干,引颈待起。 |
Superb! ----
棒极了! |
Supercomputers have computed pi to more than a trillion decimal places, looking always for a pattern to unlock its mystery. And for centuries the number has fascinated mathematicians.
超级计算机已经计算到小数点后1万亿位,一直试图寻找一个规律来解开这个谜团。数百年来,这个数字令无数数学家着迷。 |
Superconducting quantum bits (qubits), based on the non-linear effect of superconducting Josephson junctions and the semiconductor integrate technique, are promising for quantum computing due to their low dissipation, large design-fabrication freedom, and
摘要超导量子比特利用了超导约瑟夫森隧道结的非线性效应,采用了半导体集成电路的工艺,以其无能耗,大设计加工自由度,易规模化等优点而倍受注目。 |
Supercritical carbon dioxide behaves much the same. CO2 molecules flow into solid matter, surrounding atoms, pulling them apart and away.
超临界二氧化碳有类似的行为,二氧化碳分子流进固体物质里,包围里面的原子,并使它们分崩离析. |
Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) is a sample separation technology and it has the advantages of simplicity、good extraction efficiency、rapidity、great analyte selectivity、easy control reduced environmental hazard and so on.
摘要超临界流体萃取作为一种样品分离技术具有操作简单、高效、快速、选择性高、易于控制、环境友好等特点。 |