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I'm tired of his complaints.

I'm tired of being treated like the fifth wheel around here. 在这儿工作,我感觉自己只是一个旋转不停的齿轮。
I'm tired of going to school day after day. 我厌倦每天上学。
I'm tired of having the same food every day. 天天吃同样的东西我感到腻烦了。
I'm tired of hearing her crow about winning the cup at the club's tennis tournament. 她总是自吹如何在俱乐部网球赛中赢得了奖杯,这使我听腻了。
I'm tired of him coming in an hour late every day. 他每天迟到一小时,真叫我讨厌。
I'm tired of his complaints. 我听腻了他的抱怨。
I'm tired of his dreary speech. 我厌倦了他的枯燥无味的演说。
I'm tired of his soft soap! 他老是说好话想打动我, 我都听腻了!
I'm tired of it, the same old story. 我已经厌倦了,都是老一套。
I'm tired of listening to John make a mountain out of a molehill. He constantly complains about minor things. 我受不了约翰小题大作,他不断抱怨一些不重要的事。
I'm tired of listening to your complaints. 我对你的抱怨听得厌烦了。

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