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Article 25 The amount of compensation for infringing the software copyright shall be determined under the provisions of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China.

Article 25 The People's Bank of China may open accounts for banking institution as needed, but may not allow them to overdraw. 第二十五条中国人民银行可以根据需要,为金融机构开立帐户,但不得对金融机构的帐户透支。
Article 25 The State encourages and supports sparetime athletic training to foster reserve sports talents. 第二十五条国家鼓励、支持开展业余体育训练,培养优秀的体育后备人才。
Article 25 The State encourages units and individuals to insure against earthquake disasters. 第二十五条国家鼓励单位和个人参加地震灾害保险。
Article 25 The State formulates plans for the development of education and establishes and runs schools and other institutions of education. 第二十五条国家制定教育发展规划,并举办学校及其他教育机构。
Article 25 The State promotes the establishment and expansion of scientific and technological information networks and the establishment of a data bank of scientific and technological achievements, both of which shall provide information services regardin 第二十五条国家推进科学技术信息网络的建设和发展,建立科技成果信息资料库,面向全国,提供科技成果信息服务。
Article 25 The amount of compensation for infringing the software copyright shall be determined under the provisions of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China. 第二十五条侵犯软件著作权的赔偿数额,依照《中华人民共和国著作权法》第四十八条的规定确定。
Article 25 The authority-in-charge may reassign water quantity in use according to the prevailing usage when joint owners of a water right have a dispute over the quantity in use. 第25条(共同取得水权之重行划定)共同取得之水权,因用水量发生争执时,主管机关得依用水现状重行划定之。
Article 25 The citizens who marry and bear children at a late age may receive the awards of extended wedding leaves, childbearing leaves or other welfare treatments. 第二十五条公民晚婚晚育,可以获得延长婚假、生育假的奖励或者其他福利待遇。
Article 25 The competent departments for civil air defense shall oversee and inspect the maintenance and management of civil air defense works. 第二十五条人民防空主管部门对人民防空工程的维护管理进行监督检查。
Article 25 The departments of industrial and commercial administration, auditing, finance, taxation, public security, standardization and weights and measures, as well as banks and other departments shall actively co-operate with the commodity price surve 第二十五条工商行政管理、审计、财政、税务、公安、标准、计量以及银行等部门,应当积极配合物价检查机构做好价格监督检查和处理价格违法行为的工作。
Article 25 The forgery, sale or resale or transfer of special hunting and catching licenses, hunting licenses, domestication and breeding licenses, and import and export permits shall be prohibited. 第二十五条禁止伪造、倒卖、转让特许猎捕证,狩猎证,驯养繁殖许可证和允许进出口证明书。

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