I appreciate your willingness to listen and support me.
我感激你愿意倾听我、支持我。 |
I appreciated his capacity of/for making friends.
我欣赏他的交友能力。 |
I appreciates very much the support that comes from my family and friends.
我非常感激家人和朋友给我的支持. |
I approached the topic from another point of view and wrote another version. Will you see it?
(这个版面上已经放不下了,我把它做成图片,放在下面。请点击“查看原图”放大后查看。) |
I approve heartily of the path that has been taken so far. The good has been upheld.
凯东:我衷心同意我们目前所选择的道路,善良的力量已获得支持。 |
I approve of your trying to earn some money, but please don't neglect your studies.
我同意你去挣一些钱, 可是请不要误了功课. |
I are going to prove what I said.
我将让证实我的话. |
I argue that such a resemblance does not simply pertain to the relationship between Pound and the New Historicists; it alternatively functions as an organizational principle in each of their works: whether in Pound's poetry or in a New Historicist's criti
这一类同性不是简单地归于庞德与新历史主义之间的关系,而是作为一种结构性原则存在于各自的作品之中:无论在庞德的诗歌中还是在新历史主义的批评著作中,大量材料组合模式常常体现了透明细节之间存在的明显的亲缘类同性。 |
I argue that the level of dangerous anthropogenic influence is likely to be set by the global temperature and planetary radiation imbalance at which substantial deglaciation becomes practically impossible to avoid.
我认为,「危险人为干扰」的全球暖化认定标准,最好根据全球温度及地球辐射的不平衡来设定,底限是不要让冰川消退量达到失控的程度。 |
I argue that these seemingly disparate devices are all expressions of one common underlying entity (Link).
我认为这些看似不同的单位其实皆代表了一个共同的基底实体(连接)。 |
I argue that this general assessment of akrasia constitutes the fundamental issue of his discussion, and that many criticisms and misunderstandings about the Aristotelian doctrine have arisen from neglecting this very fact.
这个对无自制力的基本评价,构成了亚理斯多德对此问题整个讨论的基本论题;许多对亚理斯多德无自制力学说的批评与误解都是基于忽视了这个事实。 |