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But it is consistently reported in pre-oobe experiences.

But it is at the same time putting machinery in place that could be used to make a bargain. 但与此同时,美国也在利用可以被用来讨价还价的(外交)机制。
But it is being suggested that former Jaguar and Red Bull racer Klien, who is 24, could be in talks with Toyota about 2008, with F1's other Japanese squad unlikely to renew Ralf Schumacher's expiring contract. 但是这位24岁的前美洲虎和红牛车手暗示,他可能将向丰田寻求一个2008年的车手位置,这个另一支日本车队很有可能在明年和拉尔夫·舒马赫解除合同。
But it is better at distinguishing recovered patients from those still infected. 不过,它可以比较好地区别已康复患者与病原携带者。
But it is cash that services debt, and Softbank has a lot of debt—a net ¥2.4 trillion at the latest count, over eight times more than equity. 但是这些收益都要用于偿还债务,而且软银有很多的债务——根据最近一次的统计,其债务净值高达2万4千亿日元,超过收益的8倍。
But it is chiefly on his domestic policies that history will judge Mr Chirac; and that judgment is already being made. 但是,历史主要会对其国内政策进行评判;而且这种评价已经起效了。
But it is consistently reported in pre-oobe experiences. 但人们都说它总是出现在脱体经验之前。
But it is different at Chelsea. 但在切尔西就不一样了。
But it is doubtful if he had any principles at all. 但是此人究竟有无原则,实在令人怀疑。
But it is fairer to think of him as just a moderately violent thug with a touch of megalomania, whose goons club rivals, who closes newspapers, harasses judges and bans public meetings. 公平来讲,它不过是一个有些狂妄自大的温和派激进分子,他的爪牙都是纠集在一起的,与传媒联系紧密、能够枉法裁判以及禁止公共集会的部纵。
But it is far from clear that the commission will win its Italian test case. 欧盟委员会是否会赢得这场意大利判例还远非清晰可见。
But it is found that lots of the youngsters at the situation of sub-health resulted from continuous pressure and long period of overload, plus neglect of exercise. 然而正是这个受人羡慕的群体由于工作压力、超时工作、缺乏运动等原因正处于“亚健康”状态。

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