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I gradually get used to the reality that others couldn't understood my thoughts, so that my mood gradually became relax, sometimes when I was absent-minded, I feel like a “space alien”, the things in my eyes are not the same as in my mind.

I gotta/I've gotta go. 我得走了.
I grabbed it, and then Slidell had it by the muzzle. 我抓住了枪,枪口对准了斯莱德尔。
I grabbed my game of Scrabble and wrote the whole thing, subtitle, numbers and all across our coffee-table. 我开始了我的填字游戏,把所有的值得关注的东西写了一桌子。
I grabbed one oar, and I don't remember whether Dave grabbed the other oar or was trying to restart the engine. 我抓着一根桨,而我已不记得大卫是否是抓着另一根桨或者是在试着要启动引擎。
I grabbed the dashboard to brace myself and I watched the speedometer climb. 我撑住仪表板去稳住自己,同时我看到速度表在窜升。
I gradually get used to the reality that others couldn't understood my thoughts, so that my mood gradually became relax, sometimes when I was absent-minded, I feel like a “space alien”, the things in my eyes are not the same as in my mind. 我慢慢地适应着别人不太理解自己思维方式的现实,心态渐渐变得超然,有时思想上一走神,好象就成了“外星人”,看到的事情和思想里的不一样。
I graduate from an ordinary higher school, studies is the motor repair specialty, usually likes the basketball, the soccer, and so on movement. 我毕业于一所普通的高等学校,学的是汽修专业,平时喜欢篮球,足球,等运动。
I graduate from… university with a bachelor's degree in …. 年我从……大学毕业,获得……学士学位。
I graduate in the 2004 and major in internation business.Join the canton Export Commodities Trade Fair many times from 2004 to 2007 with company and have experience of mastermind &lead staff join fair.During hold a post,i deal with find the client from al 本人于2004年毕业于国贸专业,并在2004年至2007年随公司参加过多次广交会,有相关策划参展和带领团队参展的经验.在任职期间从事过阿里爸爸电子商务平台的开发,并在阿里上成功的接下瑞典客人,美国客人的订单.本人熟悉鞋子的工艺流程和外贸的操作谈判流程,积累了大量供应商资源.欲找工贸一体,有良好业务开拓渠道的公司或者大企业合作.希望我的加盟给贵司带来良好的效益!!!
I graduated form Harvard with honors. 我从哈佛大学毕业,成绩优异。
I graduated from Beijing College of Commerce. 我毕业于北京商学院。

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