Gareth Southgate, the Middlesbrough manager, is attempting to strengthen his attacking options after Mark Viduka left for Newcastle United on a free transfer this summer.
米德尔斯堡经理格雷斯.索斯盖特在维杜卡转投纽卡之后希望加强自己球队的攻击力。 |
Gareth reckons he\'s a lance-corporal in the army but everyoneknows he\'s just a weekend warrior.
加雷思以为他在军队中是个下士,但大伙儿都知道他不过是个民兵罢了。 |
Gareth: I've got a new theory about marriage. Two people are in love, they live together, and then suddenly one day they run out of conversation.
我对婚姻有了一个新的看法。两个人相爱,朝夕相处,突然有一天,他们之间没话可说了。 |
Gareth: Maybe it would be simpler to pack all our paintings onto trucks and move the entire National Gallery somewhere else. And not tell him.
加雷斯:也许更简单的办法是把我们所有的画都装进卡车,然后把整个国家美术馆搬到别的地方去。这事还不能让他知道。 |
Gareth: Suddenly they've got something to talk about for the rest of their lives.
加雷思:突然他们有了可以说上一辈子的话题。 |
Gareth:It's a cinch. Give a big, warm hug and say the bride looks pregnant.
这太简单了,给对方一个深情的拥抱,然后说新娘好像怀孕了。 |
Garfield is a selfish, lazy, and incredibly fat cat.
加菲猫是只自私又懒惰的超级大胖猫。 |
Garfield is a slippery customer; he's twice escaped from police custody.
加菲尔德是个狡猾的家伙,两次逃脱警察的拘捕。 |
Garfield is an international star because he appeals to people in every society in which the comic strip appears.
加菲猫俨然已成为一名国际巨星,只要有加菲猫漫画出版的地方,它总是能抓住当地读者的心。 |
Garfield is the cat's meow in more than just the newspaper business.
加菲猫不仅在报纸业独领风骚。 |
Garfield is the creation of cartoonist1 Jim Davis.
加菲猫是漫画家吉姆?戴维斯的笔下产物。 |