Another example is the F ring, whose periodic clumps seem to have been imprinted by Prometheus.
环是另一个例子,它起伏规律的纹块似乎是由土卫十六印制出来的。 |
Another example might be a member who wants to increase muscular strength.
再如,可能有人想增强肌肉强度。 |
Another example of British elegance was Little Children actress Kate Winslet.
展现着英伦优雅气质的还有出演《身为人母》的凯特·温斯莱特。 |
Another example of cystitis glandularis intestinal type (intestinal metaplasia).
分布广泛的肠上皮化生。 |
Another example of how difficult it is to categorize people involves populations in the U.S.
分类人群极为困难,另一个例子是各种族裔都有的美国人。 |
Another example of papillary cystitis. The urothelium is hyperplastic. The lamina propria contains numerous plasma cells and delicate essels.
另一例乳头状膀胱炎。尿路上皮增生,固有层含有大量浆细胞和微血管。 |
Another example of this would be an article supplemented with a video simulation and a data file.
另外一个例子是一篇文章附录有一个视频和一个数据文件。 |
Another example would be our Marine line of products.
另一个例子是游艇类产品。 |
Another example,Gankang contains amantadine(antiviral).Pseudoephedrine hydrochloride in these medicines might result in high blood pressure and quick palmus,which worsens the disease of the oldereven pose a threat to life.
这些药物中的盐酸伪麻黄碱可引起血压升高、心跳加快等不良反应,会加重患者的病情,甚至带来生命危险。 |
Another expectation, which Hubble overturned, was that the circumstellar disks would be deeply embedded within their parent clouds and would therefore be impossible to see.
另外有一个被哈伯推翻的猜测,是因为环绕恒星的气盘深藏在其母云气之中,所以无从窥其究竟。 |
Another experiment creates a muscle relaxant.
另一个实验是使得肌肉松弛。 |