Fr. Charles is an Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at St. Augustine's Seminary. He is currently teaching the following courses: Ecclesiology; Creation, Anthropology, and Sin; Grace and Glory; and Mariology. |
中文意思: 吴神父现任圣奥斯定神学院系统理论神学学系副敎授。他敎授的科目课程包括有:教会神学旨义、创世/人类/罪行、天恩/神荣及圣母论说。 |
Fox will also assist one in learning to outwit the dark.
狐狸也将援助一个人去学习智胜黑暗。 |
Fox,Gwenyth.1987.The case for examples[C]//J.M.Sinclair.Looking Up.London:Collins ELT.
本文取自语料库的例证,拼写、标点、大小写等都保持原状,未作改动. |
Foxconn's product is ranked tier one brand based on perfessional reviews from an esteemed media.
从专业媒体的专业评论角度来看,富士康(产品)被誉为第一品牌。 |
Foxed possible crash at deleting creature from remove object queue with cross-reference to already deleted creature in queue. Small guild chapter related cleanup.
修正当从删除列表中删除一些已经删除的生物所引起的当机。与公会相关的代码清除。 |
Foxglove is a magical looking plant that grows to 3 feet tall with drooping purple, pink or white flowers, sometimes dotted inside, along a central stalk.
毛地黄的外表不可思议,虽然能长高至3英尺,但总是给人娇弱无力之感,浅紫、粉红或白色的花朵围着主枝茎生长。 |
Fr. Charles is an Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at St. Augustine's Seminary. He is currently teaching the following courses: Ecclesiology; Creation, Anthropology, and Sin; Grace and Glory; and Mariology.
吴神父现任圣奥斯定神学院系统理论神学学系副敎授。他敎授的科目课程包括有:教会神学旨义、创世/人类/罪行、天恩/神荣及圣母论说。 |
Fr. Charles' assistance is welcomed at St. Agnes Tsao parish. Fr. Gordon Elliott and Fr. Charles look after the Sunday English Mass at 2 p.m.
吴悦浓神父与艾诺神父分别主持献祭星期日下午二时的英语弥撒。我们热烈欢迎吴神父前来协助堂区。 |
Fr. Nietzsche : The higher we rise, the smaller we appear to those who do not know how to fly.
尼采:我们上升得越高,我们在那些不懂飞翔的人眼里就显得越遥远. |
Fractal Statistics, Noisy Chaos, and the FMH.
分形结构,噪声混沌,和FMH。 |
Fractal dimension is an important parameter to characterize roughness in an image.
分形维数是描述图像粗糙程度的主要参数。 |
Fractional Noise and R/S Analysis.
分数噪声和R/S分析。 |