Despite the fact that their children spend long hours at school, many parents arrange for them to take extra-curricular studies.
尽管孩子们在学校花费这么长时间,但许多父母仍然为他们安排课外补习。 |
Despite the film being set in Scotland, and based on the life of a Scottish folk hero, the primary instrument heard throughout the soundtrack are the Uilleann pipes, which are a smaller traditionally Irish version of bagpipes rather than the ubiquitous Gr
大意就是说虽然电影是讲苏格兰英雄的故事,但电影音乐采用的是爱尔兰尤利安风笛,而不是苏格兰高地大风笛. |
Despite the final appearance given by the movie, tigers were largely unsuccessful in the gladiatorial area.
尽管电影涉及了这方面,但老虎在真实历史中的角斗领域是很不成功的。 |
Despite the frequency of aortic atherosclerosis, cholesterol emboli are rare, or at least insignficant most of the time.
虽然动脉粥样硬化比较常见,但是胆固醇栓子是少见的,至少是大多情况下不明显的。 |
Despite the general anti-intellectual flavor of revivalism, Christians understood the need for training their youth.
尽管宗教复兴主义者是普遍反智识的,基督徒却了解训练年轻一代的必要性。 |
Despite the geographical misappropriation, since 1987 Alligator mississippiensis has been Florida's official state reptile.
尽管地理分布位置并不相符,弗罗里达州仍在1987年把密西西比短吻鳄定为该州官方的代表爬虫。 |
Despite the good weather forecast, the next morning was as wet as ever.
尽管预报称天气很好,但次日上午仍阴雨绵绵。 |
Despite the great gains in industry, agriculture remained the nation‘s basic occupations.
尽管工业的收益很大,农业仍是国民的基础产业。 |
Despite the great importance of this feast in the Orthodox liturgical calendar, it is not considered a matter of dogma as in the Catholic Church (dogmatization of the Dormition for the Roman Catholic Church was formalized by a Roman Catholic pope after th
尽管按照东正教历法来说,这个节日十分重要,但并没有纳入天主教教条之内(大分裂之后,被罗马教宗形式化的罗马天主教武断地指出,并不接受东正教有关“死亡”的教条。) |
Despite the great variety of fashions in today's world,we have been sticking to our design conception of advancing with the times;we enable our products with both original use value and the aestheic function.
在各类流行时尚愈加多元化的今天,我们始终保持着与时具进的设计理念,使产品在具备了原始的利用价值之余也能带给顾客品位的欣赏. |
Despite the growing evidence against a long-lived seaway in Miocene Amazonia, the strontium signatures in the mollusks revealed that this enormous lake system did experience occasional salinity increases.
尽管越来越多的证据,反对亚马逊河流域在中新世有长存的海道,但是软体动物壳上的锶标记,却还显示出这个庞大的湖泊系统,的确经历了几次盐份升高的过程。 |