Articles which cannot be packed in the checked baggage Passengers are not allowed to pack in the checked baggage confidential documents, classified materials, diplomatic mail bags, negotiable securities, currencies, money orders, valuables, vulnerable and
不准在托运行李内夹带的物品旅客不得在托运行李内夹带机密文件、资料、外交信贷、有价值证券、货币、汇票、贵重物品、易碎易腐物品、以及其他需要专人保管的物品。 |
Articular cartilage also can be cryopreserved in this manner.
关节软骨也可用类似方法冻存。 |
Articulate your words so that we can understand what you are saying.
说话要清楚,这样我们才能听明白你的话。 |
Articulated her strong committal to world peace.
明确表达她对世界和平的强烈支持 |
Articulation is also difficult while circular breathing and should not be attempted until the student is very comfortable slurring.
循环呼吸过程中的清晰度也是很难保证的,练习者在对这个技巧轻车熟路前不应过度追求。 |
Artifact-ablation (When you play this card, choose a non-ablation-elemental artifact.
神器侵蚀(当你使用此牌时,选择一个侵蚀元素以外的神器。 |
Artifacts may be of simple, even primitive design, and yet be built to serve their intended purpose in a reliable manner during a lifetime of use.
史前的古器物可能制作比较简单,甚至是最原始的设计,然而却可以满足他们的需求,可靠而且终身受用。 |
Artificial classification systems are designed to aid identification, and may not reflect true relationships. e.g.
人工分类系统的目的仅仅是为了辨别植物,它并不能反映物种之间真实的关系。 |
Artificial efforts to try to curb wealth gaps invariably do more harm than good.
而在收入最平均的州,居住在城里的居民只占约一半。 |
Artificial gem crystal manufacturing, processing and marketing.
人造宝石晶体的制造、加工、销售。 |
Artificial heating hastens the growth of plants.
人工供暖能促进植物生长. |