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Football now is about nothing but money, and even Arsenal supporters - as tight-knit and homespun a football community as any - can be heard saying they don't care where the money comes from as long as they can compete with Chelsea.

Football is played all over the world . 35全世界都有人踢足球。
Football is played all over the world. (全世界都踢足球。)
Football is the boys' usual recreation after school. 踢足球是男孩子们放学后通常的娱乐活动。
Football is the gentlemen's game play by the thugs, rugby is the thugs' game play by the gentlemen. 足球是流氓玩的绅士游戏,橄榄球是绅士玩的流氓游戏.
Football is the most popular sport in the world. 足球是世界上最流行的体育运动。
Football now is about nothing but money, and even Arsenal supporters - as tight-knit and homespun a football community as any - can be heard saying they don't care where the money comes from as long as they can compete with Chelsea. 足球现在只是意味着金钱,甚至阿森纳的支持者-一个比任何团体都团结的足球社区中-也会听到他们不在乎钱是从哪里来的,只要能跟切尔西相比就行。
Football players at Giants Stadium in New Jersey run on old sneakers. 六、在美国新泽西州的巨人运动场,足球员在旧运动鞋上奔跑。
Football, for example, has spread around the world. 比如说,足球就风靡全球。
Football, is for specialist like US, ciao. 足球,是专门为我们这样的专家准备的。再见。
Football, then, was a war between these worlds: the old and the new, the rich and the poor, the pedestrian and the poetic. 足球一度只是前两个世界之间的战争:传统国家和新兴国家,穷国和富国,墨守成规的和诗性浪漫的国家。
Football,swimming and ping-pong are popular sports. 足球、游泳和乒乓球是大家喜爱的运动。

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