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Don't you think this hotel is a little overpriced?

Don't you think that...? 难道你不认为……吗?
Don't you think the radio's a bit loud? 你觉得收音机的声音是不是太吵了点?
Don't you think there's better, more community oriented, places to spend your hard earned coin? 你不觉得会有一个更好的,更加面向社会的地方,值得你去花你辛苦挣来的钱吗?
Don't you think they are beautifully? 难道你不觉得他们很美丽吗?
Don't you think they speak too quickly? 难道你不认为她们讲得太快了吗?
Don't you think this hotel is a little overpriced? 你不觉得这间旅馆价钱有点偏高吗?
Don't you think too meanly of yourself. 不要把自己想得太渺小了。
Don't you think you need to make compromises and increase your celebrity more to launch your career there? 你是否觉得应该稍稍妥协一下(根据我的理解,意思是说你是否要牺牲一下自己的隐私),继续扩大你的影响力呢?
Don't you want something special you dream about? 不想买什么你一直以来梦想拥有的么?”
Don't you wish to arrange for W.P.A. and additional coverage against Risk of Breakage? 您不想保水渍险和附加破碎险吗?
Don't you worry. You will get around fine in one week's time. 别担心。过一个星期后,你就会很熟悉这里的环境了。

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