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The movie is juiced up by adding some battle scenes.

The movie is based on daily racism that is around us. 有些主角是黑人,有些是亚洲人,有些则是中东人。
The movie is based on his ghost story. 这部电影是根据他的鬼故事拍的。
The movie is excellent but oppressive. 电影很完美,但是让我觉得很压抑。
The movie is going over big everywhere in China. 这部电影在中国大受欢迎。
The movie is good enough for the Oscar Award. 这部电影好得足以赢得奥斯卡奖。
The movie is juiced up by adding some battle scenes. 增加了一些战争的场面,影片更加激动人心了。
The movie is memorable for its interesting plot. 这部电影因其有趣的剧情而难以忘怀。
The movie is playing at several theaters. 那部电影正在几家戏院上映中。
The movie is probably the biggest box office failure (or flop) of the year. 这部电影大概是全年票房纪录最差的。
The movie is sheer political propaganda. 这部电影纯是正式宣传。
The movie is supposed to run for two more weeks. 这部电影预定再播放两个星期。

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