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His lips contorted into a grimace.

His lifestyle isn't healthy. 他的生活方式不健康。
His lightnings enlightened the world: the earth saw, and trembled. 诗97:4他的闪电光照世界.大地看见便震动。
His limp is the result of a car accident last year. 他的跛足是去年一次车祸所致的结果。
His limp is the result of an accident. 他腿瘸是事故所致.
His linen sock fell over board in the water and shrank. 他的亚麻布制的袜子落到了甲板的水上,收缩了。
His lips contorted into a grimace. 他的嘴唇歪扭成怪相。
His lips could not frame the words. 他的嘴唇无法表达话语。
His lips quivered with rage. 他气得嘴唇发抖。
His lips were shivering with emotion. 他的嘴唇因情绪激动而微微颤动。
His lips worked as he tried to swallow the food. 他使劲儿把食物咽下去, 嘴唇都扭曲起来.
His listening diet is still great pianists of past generations, though Vladimir Horowitz has made room for the 20th century's legendary Clara Haskil. 他聆听的曲目仍然是前辈伟大钢琴家的作品,只不过霍洛维兹的地位已经被二十世纪的传奇人物哈丝姬儿取而代之。

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