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Although it has held roughly the same form since the late 18th century—it was set up as a way to rebuild rapidly after the Copenhagen fire of 1795—there has never been a default on a Danish mortgage bond.

Although it cannot charge for it, KTF hopes that mobile TV will bring in new customers and enable it to sell more expensive handsets and service plans. 虽然不能收费,但KTF希望移动电视能带来新的用户,以便能售出更多昂贵的手机和服务套餐。
Although it does gather in groups, the kangaroo is not a herd animal. 它们有时也结群,但总体而言,袋鼠不喜欢群居。
Although it does interact with the other objects (in this case, supporting the dominoes), if we set it as a dynamic it too would fall away by gravity. 虽然它与其他物体(在这情况,支持骨牌游戏)互动,如果我们设置它是动态的那它会由于重力而下落。
Although it does look promising, be careful not to overextend yourself or you will lose in the long run. 虽然看上去很有希望,但是不要过分扩展自己,否则最终可能获得失败。
Although it has been spruced up and re-hung, most recently in 1996, the corridor is closed to all save the most persistent or well-connected because of a chronic shortage of guards. 虽最近于1996年加以修缮,但因其长期缺乏警卫人员,现已外关闭,坚持不懈非看不可者和与画廊有良好联系的人除外。
Although it has held roughly the same form since the late 18th century—it was set up as a way to rebuild rapidly after the Copenhagen fire of 1795—there has never been a default on a Danish mortgage bond. 虽然该制度从18世纪晚期建立以后就鲜有变化----这项制度是为了在1795年“哥本哈根大火灾”后迅速重建该市而制定的----但是丹麦从来没有一只房贷债券违约。
Although it is a fact that the rise of the White player in blues has created a new worldwide audience for the music, many feel that he has again - as in jazz and rock &roll - garnered far more than his fair share of the profit and the glory in the process 虽然白人艺术家对蓝调音乐走向世界做出了不可磨灭的贡献,但其仍有越俎代庖、受之有过之嫌--正如他们对本属于黑人文化的摇滚、爵士乐等的发展邀功请赏一样。
Although it is a far cry from there to here, he laughed all the way. 虽然从这里到那里距离是那么的遥远,他一路笑个不停.
Although it is a far cry from there to here,he laughed all the way. 从那儿到这儿虽然是一大段距离,可他在路上一直笑个不停.
Although it is a huge country, most of its airspace is still under military control. 尽管它是一个大国,它的大部分空域仍旧控制在军方手中。
Although it is a member of the falcon family, the caracara looks little like a true falcon. 尽管它属于猎鹰属,但看起来一点都不象一直真正的猎鹰。

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