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The cost of shoeing a horse is between twenty dollars and thirty-five dollars, and it takes a good blacksmith two or three hours to the job.

The cost of prevention medicine keeps IT from being widely applied, yet available statistics justify the validITy of preventive efforts in certain specific diseases. 预防医学耗资巨大,使其无法推广,但现有统计资料证明对某些疾病的预防措施是确有成效的。
The cost of product will decrease with the expansion of production scale. 一件商品的成本会因生产规模扩大而减少。
The cost of re-equipping, or “resetting,” the Marine Corps is about $12 billion, some of which is being provided in the annual supplemental appropriations for the war in Iraq. 海军陆战队重新装备,或者说是“重新安置”的费用大约是120亿美元,其中的一部分正在通过伊拉克战争的年度追加拔款进行拔付。
The cost of redeveloping the product is prohibitive. 重新研制此产品的成本高得使人不敢问津。
The cost of repairing the fabric of the church was very high. 修理教堂结构的花费非常大。
The cost of shoeing a horse is between twenty dollars and thirty-five dollars, and it takes a good blacksmith two or three hours to the job. 给马钉马蹄铁的花费在20到35美元之间,一个好手铁匠要花费2到3小时来完成这项工作。
The cost of something is what you give up to get it. 选择的机会成本就是你放弃该选择所受的损失。
The cost of the flood damage is impossible to quantify. 这次水灾的损失是无可估量的.
The cost of the holiday tour to Hawaii included six nights' stay at a hotel, but as an a\*-on, every extra night was available at a discount. 去夏威夷度假旅行的费用中包括六个晚上的旅馆住宿费,不过作为附加优惠,每多住一晚,其费用可以打折。
The cost of the holiday tour to Hawaii included six nights' stay at a hotel, but as an add-on, every extra night was available at a discount. 去夏威夷度假旅行的费用中包括六个晚上的旅馆住宿费,不过作为附加优惠,每多住一晚,其费用可以打折。
The cost of the new building will wipe out all the company's profits this year. 新建大楼的费用将把公司今年所有的利润干光了。

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