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Business English 900,Southeast University Press,1996.

Busine es will enjoy lower debt burde . 公司可少付利息。
Business , you know , may bring you money , but friendship hardly ever does . 做生意会给你带来钱财,但友谊几乎永远不会。
Business Communications Review. 商业通信评论》刊载数据通信、光纤通信等通信系统的网络设计、选择和应用以及技术进展等方面的咨询和评介文章,涉及对电信管理有影响的问题、新产品和服务。
Business Critical - Must be done soon, but can be scheduled -e.g banking, accounts Urgent, and Important - e.g writing the next issue of your e-zine that you promised your list for tomorrow, or replying to List members support e-mails. 生意关键就是要快,而且可以预定--即硬银行帐户紧迫而重要的问题,即硬写下您的电子锌答应你,你的名单明日委员名单支持或回答电子邮件.
Business Economics. 商业经济学》刊载商业经济学应用方面的文章,内容包括宏观与微观经济学、金融与财政政策、短期与长期商业预测和国际经济学等。读者多为经济学家、金融与市场分析人员以及商界人士。
Business English 900,Southeast University Press,1996. 《商贸英语900句》,东南大学出版社,1996年出版。
Business Ethics, Fundamentals of Law, Foreign Trade Publication Literacy ,Physical Education, Chinese, Social Analysis and Government Policy, Computer, English Reading, Management, English Writing, English Listening, Human Resource Consulting, English Spe 英语阅读、英语语音学、综合英语、英语听说、英语语法、商务英语、英文商务函电、商务谈判英语、商务英语写作与翻译、市场营销学、国际贸易、人力资源管理、会计学概论、电子商务、会计学基础。
Business Explorer is a business English course written specifically to meet the needs of Asian students. 《新剑桥职业英语》是专为亚洲学生而设计的商英语课程,它注重学生的听说训练,兼顾读写能力的培养。
Business Goal: produce the first class brand. 企业目标:创一流的品牌。
Business Households of Self-employed Private Economy Should Have a Correct Understanding and View of the Significance of Establishment of Accounting Books and Taxation on Audit of Accounts. 三、个体、私营经济业户要正确理解和认识建帐和查帐征税的意义。
Business Incubator for Returned Personnel is the first provincial incubator. 留学人员创业园是宁夏首家省级留学人员创业园。

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