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He came and at once threw a wet blanket over me.

He calls out: Rapunzel. Rapunzel. Let down your hair. 他大叫:『蕾伴柔!蕾伴柔!把你的头发放下来吧!』
He calls the method used to turn tree-ring width into temperature hopelessly flawed. 他认为,用树轮来判断气温的做法错得离谱。
He calls this way of thinking the “immanent frame”. 他将这种思维方式称为“固有框架”。
He came across as sympathetic/a sympathetic person. 他给人以有同情心的印象.
He came alone to the basket of steamed buns, hesitated for a second, and bent over to pick up two steamed buns of broomcorn flour. 他独个儿来到馍筐前,先怔了一下,然后便弯腰拾了两个高粱面馍。
He came and at once threw a wet blanket over me. 他来了马上就对我泼冷水。
He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 17并且来传和平的福音给你们远处的人,也给那近处的人。
He came as well as his brother. 除了他弟弟以外,他也来了。
He came ashore and worked as an operations manager for a shipping company. 返回岸上后他在一家船运公司担任营运经理的工作。
He came at a time when we needed help. 他在我们需要帮助的时候来了。
He came at a very fortunate time. 他来得恰是时候。

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