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Even increasingly complex sails and rigs and the alterations of hull shapes failed to increase ship speed and, in any case, did not represent fundamental advances in knowledge.

Even in the third year of Asa king of Judah did Baasha slay him, and reigned in his stead. 王上15:28在犹大王亚撒第三年巴沙杀了他、篡了他的位。
Even in the wake of the recent Clippers and Lakers season-ticket price farce, few have budged. 即使在湖人和快船提高票价的最初阶段,也很少有人动摇过他们的对球队的喜爱。
Even in the wealthiest countries with universal education, many people are functionally illiterate. 甚至在实施普及教育的最富有国家,许多人在文字应用能力上还是文盲。
Even in their own brilliance, they have blind spots. 即使在他们自己的光辉里,他们盲目的发现。
Even in training here the game is much more technical than at Empoli, you have to think faster, it's harder to win back the ball ad the training sessions are very intense, but day after day I've been feeling more and more at ease”. 虽然在这里的比赛、训练都远比在恩波利有技术含量,你必须想的更快,在激烈的训练中你想把球抢回来都是一件很难的事情,但是日复一日,我已经觉得越来越轻松了。”
Even increasingly complex sails and rigs and the alterations of hull shapes failed to increase ship speed and, in any case, did not represent fundamental advances in knowledge. 尽管船帆、桅杆越发复杂,船体形状也不断改进,但不足以提高船速,无论如何也代表不了技术知识的根本性进步。
Even individuals having no injuries are often dazed and confused following an accident. 在事故以后,即使没有受伤的人通常也会感到头晕目眩、不知所措。
Even into the 1990s China had little more than a conscript army of ill-educated peasants using equipment based largely on obsolete Soviet designs of the 1950s and outdated cold-war (or even guerrilla-war) doctrine. 即便是在1990年的时候,中国部队里的士兵还仅仅是被征入伍的农民,教育程度低下;用的武器大多数都还是苏联在19世纪50年代发明的,陈旧不堪;军事战略还是冷战时期(甚至游击战)的教条,早已过时。
Even introverted programmers do better with informal, face-to-face communication than with paper documents. 即使是对内向的程序员来说,采用不拘礼节的面对面的交流,都比采用写在纸上的文档进行沟通效果要好。
Even investment bank Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein has warned not to equate money with happiness. 德国德累斯顿佳信投资银行甚至提出忠告说:不要“把钱和幸福划等号”。
Even it the truth is so harsh,It's suffocating. 就算那是事实,让我无法喘息过来也好.

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