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That means avoiding the use of sarcasm or putdowns, for example.

That means a greater profit for us. (那就意味着我们会得到更大的利润。)
That means a joint that's less flexible and not nearly as strong: Scar tissue is about one-tenth as strong as healthy tendon. 意味某个关节较不灵活,也不像往常一样强韧:疤痕组织只有大约健康肌腱十分之一的强度。
That means a massive object such as a galaxy can act like a lens, bending light from things behind it to a focal point in front of it, and forming a natural telescope. 这意味着,如星系这样庞大的物体就好像一块透镜,将它背后物体射出的光折射到它前面的某个焦点,形成一个天然的望远镜。
That means a relational database developer. 那个意味着关系数据库开发者。
That means an enemy sorceress will kill herself instantly if she tries to cast polymorph on your mana flared knight. 就是说,如果一个敌方女法师想在你被施加了魔法闪耀的骑士身上施加变羊法术的话,她就会马上挂掉。
That means avoiding the use of sarcasm or putdowns, for example. 举个例,那就是说,避免使用讽刺或贬损的语言。
That means cash receipts are deposited intact in the bank,and major payments are made by check and an imprest fund is used for petty cash disbursements. 这就是说,所有的现金收入要如数存入银行,一切的主要支出都使用支票,并设立预付资金来用于零星的现金支付。
That means customers should be able to work out at a glance the amount of caffeine in the drink they have ordered. 也就是说,只要客人上门点饮料,咖啡因含量全都能一目了然。
That means different classical Western cuisines (Italian, French, Spanish, Greek, and Moroccan style) with open-kitchen and 100% home-made Pastry breads ,and so on. 地中海特色菜肴代表着经典的西式菜肴(意大利式,法国式,西班牙式,希腊式,摩洛哥式)山度仕拥有敞开式厨房和自制的面包、糕点等等。
That means dinosaurs lived long before human beings appeared! 那就是说恐龙在人类出现之前就存在了。
That means dinosaurs lived long before human beings appeared. 那就是说恐龙在人类出现以前就生存了很长时间。

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