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His father allows him a hundred dollars a week for his pocket money.

His farm is off the beaten track. It is at least two miles from the main road. 他的农庄在偏僻的地方,离开大路至少有两英里。
His fate will be the same as ours. 他会和我们同生共死.
His father Lo Xingtao, a government official from Fangyang of Hebei Province, was exiled to this undeveloped south for committing a misdemeanor. 父亲卢行滔,原籍河北范阳,因事罢官,被流放到偏僻的岭南地方。
His father Terry appeared several times for Everton but never quite made it at the highest level and moved on to clubs such as Port Vale and Chester. 他的父亲特里为埃弗顿出战了许多次但却从没有完全成功达到最高水平并且转会到了像维拉港和切斯特这样的俱乐部。
His father admonished him for laziness. 他的父亲因他懒惰而训诫他。
His father allows him a hundred dollars a week for his pocket money. 他的父亲每星期给他一百元作为零用钱。
His father always buries his head in the sand and never wants to deal with any problems. 对困难、问题或危险视而不见;采取鸵鸟态度或政策(据信鸵鸟在遇险或被追捕时会把头埋入沙中)。
His father always sits near the fireplace when he reads. 他老爸阅读时,总是坐在壁炉边。)
His father apprenticed him to a carpenter. 他的父亲使他向木匠拜师学艺。
His father asked him to avoid bad company. 他父亲要他不要交坏朋友。
His father beat the disobedient boy. 他的父亲打那个不听话的男孩。

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