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The development history of bogies for high speed multiple units in China and abroad, the dynamics performance evaluation for high speed multiple units and the effect of bogie structures on dynamics performance of vehicles are described generally.

Effects of different drying methods and conditions on anthraquinones and tannins in water extract from Radix et Rhiroma Rhei; 干燥方式和条件对大黄水提液蒽醌和鞣质成分含量的影响
The Influences of Different Drying Methods on the Contents of Imperatorin and Isoimperatorin in Extracts of Angelica dahurica; 干燥方法对白芷醇提物有效成分的影响
The Content Determination Of Tannins in Terminalia chcbula Retz. by Casein Method; 干酪素法测定诃子中鞣质的含量
Baculovirus-mediated GFP Gene Transference to Rabbit Degenerative Nucleus Pulposus Cells; 杆状病毒介导的GFP转染与退变的兔椎间盘髓核细胞
Progress in heparin-induced thrombocytopenia:pathogenesis,diagnosis and therapy; 肝素诱导的血小板减少症的病因、诊断和治疗研究进展
The development history of bogies for high speed multiple units in China and abroad, the dynamics performance evaluation for high speed multiple units and the effect of bogie structures on dynamics performance of vehicles are described generally. 概述了国内外高速动车组转向架的发展历程、高速动车组动力学性能评定和转向架结构对车辆动力学性能的影响,对我国高速动车组转向架的基本模式提出了部分建议。
In the braking system on high speed multiple units are described generally. 概述了高速动车组制动系统的组成、控制模式、制动功能、制动方式、防滑控制、故障诊断和导向等,提出了高速动车组制动系统的模式。
Clinical analysis of improved gastric lavage with perfusion of activated charcoal for acute severe organophosphorous pesticide poisoning; 改良洗胃法加灌注活性碳治疗重度有机磷农药中毒的临床分析
Industry parks have been created and Depression Effect,Catfish Effect and Flood Dragon Effect have been produced. 改革开放后,武义逐渐从农业社会进入到工业化初期阶段,及时调整了工作思路,创办了工业园区,引发了洼地效应、鲶鱼效应和蛟龙效应,使经济结构发生了根本性的变化,促进了武义经济实现跨越式发展。
Southeast China, including one municipality and 9 provinces, is a developed region in China and plays an important role in the nation s agricultural and industrial development. 该文概述东南地区在我国工农业生产地位的基础上 ,详细分析了东南地区粮食生产的发展过程。
The sensor has been successfully employed to determine pH in the crucian from both the live fish to the putrefied fish. 该传感器从河鲫鱼由活体到一步步腐败的过程中其pH值的变化得到了很好的分析。

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