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Please wipe excess oil from engine nacelles and landing gears.

Please wear black or red constume for the March. 请穿著黑色或红色衣物到场。
Please welcome Mr. Hu Heng, Vice-chairman of the People's Government of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. 请广西壮族自治区人民政府副主席吴恒先生致词。
Please welcome Mr. Raul L Cordenillo, Senior officer of the ASEAN Secretariat. 请东盟秘书处高级官员劳尔·科丹尼洛先生代表东盟秘书处致贺词。
Please welcome Mr. Wang Tianju, Vice-chairman of the All China Lawyers Association, one of the host organizations. 请论坛主办单位之一,中华全国律师协会副会长王天举先生致词。
Please whomp up a meal for us; we have to leave in half an hour. 请给我们随便弄餐饭吃吧,我们半个小时后就得动身。
Please wipe excess oil from engine nacelles and landing gears. 擦掉发动机吊舱和起落架上多余的油。
Please wipe off the counter after you’re finished. 你干完以后,请把柜台擦干净。
Please wire transfer the invoice amount to our company (account number # 2345678, China Construction Bank) . 请电汇发票金额至我公司帐户(中国建设银行,帐号#2345678)。
Please wrap it up nicely. 请把它包得漂亮些。
Please wrap the Beijing Duck in the pancake with the spring onion and the sweet bean sauce. You'll find the taste's better. 请把北京烤鸭放在煎饼里,里边裹上小葱和甜面酱。这样吃起来更好吃。
Please wrap the box in red paper. 请用红纸将盒子包起来。

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