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Choose a cause that you have a passion for and stick to it even when it gets tough; Success will follow.

Choose EXIT to close the launcher. 选择退出以关闭载入器。
Choose File/Open and locate the multi-layered image you want to animate. In a multi-layered image, each layer will become an individual frame. 选择文件/打开,然后定位你希望制作动态效果的多层图像。在多层图像中,每一层都是一个独立的帧。
Choose PLAY to start the game. 选择运行游戏以进入游戏。
Choose Repaginate in the Book palette menu. If any documents are missing, the book cannot be repaginated; see Removing or replacing missing book documents. 在制版板块菜单中选择“重新页码编号”。如果有文档被错过了,该文档就没办法进行重新页码编号;参看“去除或者替代错过的文档”。
Choose a cast and rehearse, then perform your play for the class. 选择演员阵容并排练,然后为班级表演你们的游戏。
Choose a cause that you have a passion for and stick to it even when it gets tough; Success will follow. 选择一个使你充满激情的事业,坚持到底、持之以恒,成功终将来临。
Choose a high mountain, chose twist, the choice is halcyon, chose alone, choose opportunity, chose a venture, the choice searchs, chose cross, those who choose to read a short message you, also chose the good friend of one's whole life! 选择高山,就选择了坎坷,选择宁静,就选择了孤单,选择机遇,就选择了风险,选择求索,就选择了磨难,选择看短信的你,也就选择了一生一世的好朋友!
Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life. 总是会有两种选择,有两条可选的路。其中一条是容易的。而你得到的唯一回报就是安逸,而无其它。
Choose a life of action ,none one of ostentation. 选择行动的一生,而不是炫耀的一生.
Choose a life of action,not one of ostentation. 要选择行动的一生,而不是炫耀的一生.
Choose a picture book or novel that deals with friendship. 选择一本表达友谊的画册或小说。

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