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I wouldn't hear of her complaint.

I wouldn't have anything to do with those scum. 我不会和那些无耻之徒来往。
I wouldn't have him in the office on the premises. Chatting up the typists and watching the clock is all he is good for. 我不会把他安排在办公室的。他的专长就是同打字员聊天以及计算着时间等待下班。
I wouldn't have my sister's children to stay again not at any price ! 我可不愿意再让我姐姐的孩子留下来住了--说什麽也不行。
I wouldn't have my sister's children to stay again not at any price! 我可不愿意再让我姐姐的孩子留下来住了--说什麽也不行。
I wouldn't have the nerve to try anything lo dangerous. 8我不会有胆量去试做这样危险的事情.
I wouldn't hear of her complaint. 我不愿听她的抱怨。
I wouldn't hear of it. 别跟我再说这事了。
I wouldn't hurt you for all the world. 无论如何,我决不会伤害你。
I wouldn't know an original Renoir from a copy if it looked me in the face. 如果雷诺阿的真品就在我面前,我也不能分辨其是真品还是得复制品。
I wouldn't leave London for all the world. 无论如何我也不离开伦敦。
I wouldn't like to be in your shoes if they find out what you're doing. 要是人家发现你现在干的这件事,我可不愿设想你得有多倒霉。

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