I commend each and every student, educator, parent, business and community member who participates in CyberFair!
最后,我要向每一位参加网界博览会的学生、教育工作者、家长、企业及社区成员们,致上我最诚挚的敬意! |
I commend my soul... -
我将自己的灵魂... |
I commend you for your integrity. Together we shall know prosperous times.
我希望你是正直的,那样的话我们就能共同进退。 |
I commended the chef on the excellent meal. I later wrote to commend him to his employer, the restaurant owner.
我称赞厨师做的菜味道好. 随後我给雇用他的餐馆老板写了封信表扬他. |
I commended the chef on the excellent meal. I later wrote to commend him to his employer, the restaurant owner.
我称赞厨师做的菜味道好.随后我给雇用他的餐馆老板写了封信表扬他. |
I commiserate with you on the loss of your mother.
你母亲逝世,我特向你慰问。 |
I commiserated with her on the loss of her job.
她失去了工作, 我很同情她. |
I communed with mine own heart, saying, Lo, I am come to great estate, and have gotten more wisdom than all they that have been before me in Jerusalem: yea, my heart had great experience of wisdom and knowledge.
传1:16我心里议论、说、我得了大智慧、胜过我以前在耶路撒冷的众人.而且我心中多经历智慧、和知识的事。 |
I communicated with him by mime.
我以比手划脚和他沟通。 |
I companies in western China Anqing City Zen one hill -- Il Foothills, 1997 from Anhui Province Investment Group, Yuexi County Utilities Group jointly established. 5 million yuan of registered capital. hydroelectric power generation companies to mainly in
我公司位于安庆市西部中国禅宗第一山--司空山麓,一九九七年由安徽省投资集团,岳西县水电集团共同投资创建.注册资本500万人民币.公司以水电发电为主,装机两台1000千瓦,多年平均水电量500万千瓦时.公司自创建以来年年赢利,年上缴税金十五万元以上. |
I companies located in four spring-like Hainan; Primarily engaged in the import zirconium sand processing and marketing of England.
我公司坐落在四季如春的海南;主要从事进口锆英砂的选矿和销售。 |