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A Chinese man and woman arrested in New Zealand's largest single pure methamphetamine bust had further charges laid against them during a brief court appearance today.

A Chinese dynasty(1271-1368) established by the Mongolian ruler Kublai Khan at Peking(Beijing). It was superseded by the Ming dynasty. 元朝由蒙古统治者忽必烈汗在北京建立的一个中国王朝(1271-1368年),它被明朝取代
A Chinese envoy met with North Korea's leader Kim Jong Il. 一名中国外交官与朝鲜领导人金正日会晤。
A Chinese family planning official has said the government will still punish people who intentionally abort baby girls even though the legislature decided in June not to make it a crime, state media reports. 一位中国计划生育部门的官员表示虽然今天六月份立法机构并没有将禁止性别流产明确定义为违法行为,但是中国政府仍将对这一现象进行查处。
A Chinese fishing boat and its 18 crew disappeared in the South China Sea shortly after its captain reported pirates had boarded his vessel, Xinhua news agency reported on Saturday. 据新华社星期六报道,在南中国海,一伙持械海盗登上了一只载有18名船员的渔船,渔船船长在告知此事不久后,该渔船及船上的船员消失了。
A Chinese language textbook for pre-school and elementary studuents. It teaches Chinese characters and basic expressions. The whole set includes 3 textbooks with CDs. 《童趣汉语》是特别为学龄前儿童和小学低年级学生设计和编写的汉语学习教材。教授基础汉字和常用短语。语言学习内容包含中国历史、文化和传说。共3册(配CD),每册20课。
A Chinese man and woman arrested in New Zealand's largest single pure methamphetamine bust had further charges laid against them during a brief court appearance today. 在纽西兰最大的一起纯脱氧麻黄碱案件中被逮捕的一名中国男子和一名中国女子于今日(纽西兰时间2月13日)在经过短暂的法庭出庭后受到更多的指控。
A Chinese man dropped dead after playing Internet games for three consecutive days, state media said on Monday, as China seeks to wean Internet addicts offline. 星期一,中方媒体称一男子因连续三天玩网络游戏最终导致猝死,并以此来告戒那些网络沉迷者。
A Chinese nuclear family usually consists of the parents and the only child. 中国的核心家庭往往由父亲,母亲和独生子组成.
A Chinese official says consumers can expect high pork prices for the next 18 months, until fresh supplies of healthy pigs arrive at the market. 一位中国官员说,消费者在未来18个月仍会看到猪肉价格居高不下,直到新的健康生猪供应进入市场。
A Chinese picket line in front of a Japanese shop in Chinatown, san Francisco, to boycott Japanese commodities. 美国旧金山唐人街日人商店前的华人抵制日货纠察队。
A Chinese rights group says the youngest son of Rebiya Kadeer, a U.S.-based ethnic Uighur activist, has been sentenced to seven years in a Chinese prison for tax evasion. 一个中国人权组织说,在美国的维吾尔族活动人士热比娅最小的儿子因为偷税漏税被判处7年徒刑。

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