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[The increasingly unpopular Chen and his Democratic Progressive Party (Dee), the driving forces behind the independence movement in recent years, have suffered several electoral defeats, and advocates of greater cooperation with the mainland have gained g

[T]o become an integrate part of the global community, Taipei city will adopt Hanyu Pinyin rather than Tongyong Pinyin”. 『北市为了与国际接轨,仍将采用汉语拼音,而且重要路面的路标将于十一月底更改完成』。
[Teaching Staff and Training] YTTCS has 6 instruction departments of Administrator Training, International Taxation Training, Continuing Education Department, Research Department and Library, and 5 administration departments of Office, Discipline Inspecti 适应培训工作需要,学院内设教学部、公务员培训部、国际税务培训部、继续教育部、科研中心、图书馆等6个教学机构,办公室、纪检监察办公室、人事部、后勤部、财务部等5个管理机构。
[Telemeters 5 analog signals (8-bit resolution) and 8 digital bits of data. 5个模拟信号遥测仪(8位解象度)并且8数字式位元资料。
[The Last Night of King Tai Pan] is based on the novel of Pat Sin Wing, a Taiwan writer, it is about the life story of a Ma Ma San. 《金大班的最后一夜》是根据台湾作家白先勇的同名小说改编的,讲述的是一个舞女大班一生的故事。
[The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or UK, is in Western Europe. 英国的英国和北爱尔兰,或英国,是在西方欧洲。
[The increasingly unpopular Chen and his Democratic Progressive Party (Dee), the driving forces behind the independence movement in recent years, have suffered several electoral defeats, and advocates of greater cooperation with the mainland have gained g 「近来台独运动推手的陈水扁与民进党,逐渐不受欢迎,并在几次选举中失败,相反的,与中国大陆主合作派,有所斩获。」
[The plants were loaded into the container immediately after planting on (name of growing media) which are not used for plant growing. 植株于输出前须完全去除原始栽培介植,未使用过的泥碳土,椰子纤维,水苔或树皮重新种植,并立即进行包装,植物检疫证明书加注。
[The primary purposes of the congress are: 1)Reporting academic resulte in palaeontology and related fields in the form of plenary symposia, subject and special symposia and posters; 2) Conducting field excursions to examine important fossil discoveries i 会议主要内容:展示和交流国际古生物学界的最新研究成果,开展广泛的学术交流;组织野外考察,展示举办国的野外考察成果;选举新一届国际古生物学会领导成员。
[The summary ] Every performance of this text to high-performance concrete of fly ash has done detailed research, and to the concrete respectively to person who mix of fly ash Kinds of influence of performance and fly ash concrete some questions that shou 摘要]本文对粉煤灰高性能混凝土的各项性能作了详细的研究,并针对粉煤灰的掺入量对混凝土各种性能的影响以及粉煤灰混凝土在施工中应注意的一些问题进行了分析和探讨。
[Their-There] two stories became intertwine d [at a] ceremony marking Martin Lurther King Day at Washington's Kennedy Center. 在华盛顿肯尼迪中心的马丁·路德·金日纪念仪式上,他们两位的传奇被相提并论。
[There is no limit on the number of photos you wish to used in each category, as long as the total does not exceed the stated amount above. 以上每个类别相片数量不限,提交相片数量总和须不超出相簿采用相片总数。

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