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An algorithm to resolve the coupling effect problem is proposed during the cross point assignment (CPA) stage.In the algorithm,the priority queue concept and the rip-up and reroute strategy are combined to control crosstalk noise caused by interconnect co

An algorithm for the moving emitter passive location and tracking based on TOA and DOA measurements by a single fixed station is given. 本文提出了一种测量目标辐射源脉冲到达时间和到达方向实现固定单站对运动辐射源进行无源定位的算法。
An algorithm for the resection of imagery along the optical axis is presented to implement both of the camera calibration and resection at the same time. 摘要提出了一种沿主光轴方向影像的影像空间后方交会方法,实现了相机检校和空间后方交会的同时进行。
An algorithm for the suppression of narrowband interference in the direct sequence spread-spectrum (DSSS) systems is presented. 摘要提出了直接序列扩频通信系统中抑制窄带干扰的一种算法。
An algorithm of path-based timing optimization by buffer insertion is presented.The algorithm adopts a high order model to estimate interconnect delay and a nonlinear delay model based on look-up table for gate delay estimation.And heuristic method of buf 提出了一种基于路径的缓冲器插入时延优化算法,算法采用高阶模型估计连线时延,用基于查表的非线性时延模型估计门延迟.在基于路径的时延分析基础上,提出了缓冲器插入的时延优化启发式算法.工业测试实例实验表明,该算法能够有效地优化电路时延,满足时延约束.
An algorithm of track-to-track correlation based on neural network is presented to these questions of inaccurate and lost correlation resulted by intersectant or furcate conditions in complex and multi goals' environment. 摘要针对在密集目标环境下和运动出现交叉或分岔等难于处理的情况,将导致较多的错、漏相关航迹的问题,提出一种利用神经网络进行航迹关联的方法。
An algorithm to resolve the coupling effect problem is proposed during the cross point assignment (CPA) stage.In the algorithm,the priority queue concept and the rip-up and reroute strategy are combined to control crosstalk noise caused by interconnect co 提出了一种在过点分配阶段解决噪声耦合效应问题的算法.该算法采用优先队列同拆线重布策略相结合的方法,控制由互连线耦合电容引起的串扰噪声.算法中,首先按照线长和约束限制,将线网划分到若干个优先队列中.然后,将每个优先队列的过点分配问题转换为线性分配问题.在完成一个线网队列的分配后,通过过点分配后处理过程检查串扰约束满足情况,对违反约束的线网对进行拆除,放入后续线网队列进行重新分配.实验数据表明,该算法能够取得好的效果.
An algorithm? Did you finish it in System Memory using CPU? 一个算法?莫非你是在CPU和系统内存中计算的?
An alien considered likely to engage in other activities prejudicial to China's national security and interests. 被认为入境后可能进行危害我国国家安全和利益的其他活动的。
An alien holding a residence certificate who does not wish to return to China after exit shall hand in his/her residence certificate for cancellation to the border check-point upon exit. 持有居留证件的外国人出境后不再返回中国的,出境时应向边防检查站缴纳居留证件。
An all inclusive user management system. Features login, register, forgot password, and account managament features. Easy to implement into ANY site via a simple code on any page! 这是个功能丰富的用户管理系统。包括登陆、注册、遗忘密码以及记账管理。通过在页面中使用简单的代码就能使站点是向上述功能。
An all-in-one palette containing 2 concealers, 2 eye shadows and 1 blush. 它包含了2款遮瑕膏,2款自然眼影和1款胭脂。

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