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For a young country just coming of age in the early 1800s, the discovery of Yellowstone helped define America s identity with its vast, bold landscape.

For a wide application, the author points out that complexification, miniaturization, thim film and integration procesing,and other technological processing should be adopted. 并指出利用复合化、薄膜化和集成化等工艺设施,可开发多功能敏感材料,其潜在的资源丰富,可拓宽其应用范围。
For a woman, conventional beauty is her only attribute. 对一名女子来说,标准美是她唯一的特征。
For a x-directed line current with lengh much smaller than a wave length, the E-field pattern on coordinate planes in 3-D space in the region from much smaller than line length to one or two wave length, the synthesized pattern by summation of the field o 以水平面上三角形甚小于波长线电流为例,分割为若干小段之赫芝偶极所加总合成在三度空间任意座标平面上距离从甚大于线长到一两个波长区域之电场场型与分割小段数量无关,即等同于一单一赫芝偶极之场型。
For a year the dam remained complete but for the generators. 一年来,除发电机外大坝保持完好。
For a young Moroccan couple, getting married is no staid affair. 对年轻的摩洛哥情侣而言,结婚并不会是件乏味的事。
For a young country just coming of age in the early 1800s, the discovery of Yellowstone helped define America s identity with its vast, bold landscape. 作为一个19世纪初叶才发展起来的年轻国家,黄石地区的开辟得以使美国以其辽阔而雄浑的自然风光著称于世。
For about $15 a day, for example, you can test your strength at a Shaolin 3)kung-fu school in China, learning from a fighting 4)monk to kick and 5)punch and 6)withstand pain. 例如,一天大约花十五美元,你就可以在中国少林寺的功夫学校考验自己的力量,与习武的和尚学习踢腿击拳,以及忍受痛苦。
For about 2 percent of patients, however, laser in situ keratomileusis (better known as LASIK) has left them with vision that's worse or with annoying side effects such as starbursts when their pupils open wide. 不过,手术过后大约有2%的病人视力不但没有改善,反而恶化了,或者为恼人的副作用所苦,例如瞳孔张大时视野出现星形裂缝。
For about a month, everyone, even the small children knew not to go near the hut. 大约有一个月,每个人,甚至连小孩子都知道不要走近那所棚屋。
For about half a year I have never gotten messages from my pen pal. 我已经大约半年没接到我笔友的消息了。
For about one hundred years' of development, the European marketing system of renewable energy has been well established and matured. 进入90年代,太阳能、风能应用技术更加成熟,商业化水平不断提高,尤其是经过了近百年的发展,欧洲市场体系已经成熟和完善。

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