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Virgil Hu:Remember how I told you I once saw Stephanie Vandergosh in a porn?Well I got it.

Viral hepatitis leads to liver cell destruction. 病毒性肝炎导致肝细胞破坏。
Viral video is the term used to describe clips that gain huge popularity after being posted on the Internet, spreading like viruses through emails, blogs and instant messages. 「病毒影带」是形容影带的片段贴上网际网路上后,获得极大的点阅率,犹如病毒似地在电子邮件和简讯中广为流传。
Virg You refuse to share the box of chocolates you receive -- what if someone fingers them? What if someone sneezes on your roses? 处女座:拒绝跟别人分享你收到的巧克力。有人拿手指拨弄怎么办?有人对着你的玫瑰打了个喷嚏怎么办?
Virgil Hu:Dude,do you know what I could do if I had my own place? 维吉尔:老兄,你知道如果我自己住我会干嘛么?
Virgil Hu:Oh dude,did I tell you?I got it. 维吉尔:嘿,老兄,我告诉你没?我搞到手了。
Virgil Hu:Remember how I told you I once saw Stephanie Vandergosh in a porn?Well I got it. 维吉尔:还记得我告诉过你史蒂芬妮演过色情片儿吗?我拿到那本带子了。
Virgil Sollozzo: I'm glad you came. I hope we can straighten everything out. It is terrible. It's not the way I wanted things to go. It should never have happened. 我很高兴你来了,迈克。希望我们能把事情谈妥。这种事太可怕了,我并不希望发生这种事。不该发生这种事的。
Virgil is denied entrance and appears to be angered and perplexed. 维吉尔在入口处被拒且看起来愤怒为难。
Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Mary full of grace; the Lord is with thee. 庆哉,童贞诞神女,满圣宠者玛利亚;主与你同在。
Virgin Test Wafer - A wafer that has not been used in manufacturing or other processes. 原始测试晶圆片-还没有用于生产或其他流程中的晶圆片。
Virgin will offer more than 1m downloadable music tracks for 99 cents per song, the standard price offered by most rivals. 维珍将提供逾100万首可下载歌曲,每首歌收费99美分,这也是大多数竞争对手的标准价格。

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