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I've seen the grandeur of Alps.

I've seen some computer programs that attempt to do similar things, but one completely loses the tactile feeling associated with books. 我见过一些计算机软件尝试着做类似的事情,但完全丧失了书籍的感觉。
I've seen some pieces like this(both official Dao and civilian Dao).Maybe the welding between soleplate of head and foreside has fallen.Maybe in the year from Yuan dynasty to early Qing dynasty. 也见过几例这样装的(官刀民造都有),可能是刀首底板与前部开焊丢失,老配的.典型制式刀,元至清早都有可能.
I've seen some slow workers in my time but this lot are the slowest by far. 我以前倒也见过一些笨工人,但是这群人可算是最笨的了。
I've seen some videos of him when I was in Denmark. 在丹麦时我就看过他的一些录像。
I've seen the champ outbox better fighters than this one. 我曾看到过这位卫冕者击败过比这位更优秀的一些拳击手。
I've seen the grandeur of Alps. 我曾经看到过阿尔卑斯山的壮丽景色。
I've seen the stream of lava from a volcano. 我见过火山喷发出的熔岩流。
I've seen them in light weapon.It is said that they're collected by German army,and as mercenary army in Britain after WW2. 从轻兵器上见过,说是他们先被德军收编,二战结束后在英国做雇佣军。
I've seen this film twice. 这部影片我已经看过两次了。
I've seen you buttering up the boss! 我看见你巴结老板来著!
I've seen you with headphones on before games and last season you didn't cut your hair for a while...so do you have any pregame rituals or superstitions? 在比赛开始前我曾经见到你戴着耳机热身,而上个赛季你有一段时间没有剪头发。那么你有没有什么比赛前的惯例或是迷信呢?

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