China's Ministry of Information Industry, Ministry of Science and Technology has as its key areas of IT support one of the pillar industries.
我国信息产业部、国家科技部已经将其列为IT领域重点扶持的支柱产业之一。 |
China's Ministry of Supervision says the government has closed down 19,000 illegal polluting enterprises as of the end of last year.
中国国家监察部表示,至去年年底,政府已关闭1.9万家非法污染企业。 |
China's National Bureau of Statistics said Tuesday the country's economic output last year was one-point-98-trillion dollars -- a 16-point-eight-percent increase over the original estimate.
中国国家统计局星期二说,中国去年的国内经济产出为1万9千8百亿美元,比原先的估计增加了16.8%。 |
China's National Narcotics Control Commission said on Wednesday it established last year a data bank to monitor drug addicts.
中国国家禁毒委员会周三称,他们在去年成立了一个数据库用以检测吸毒者。 |
China's National People's Congress passed an anti-secession law last March, authorizing war if Taiwan formally declares independence.
中国人大去年3月通过反分裂法,授权可在台湾正式宣布独立时开战。 |
China's Olympic coach Ratomir Dujkovic would be considered if the search for a suitablecoach proved fruitless, he added.
他说,如果找不到“合适”的人选,足协将考虑启用目前国奥队主帅杜伊科维奇。 |
China's Parliament passes the law authorizing force against Taiwan if the self-governing island pursues formal independence. Taiwan called the measure a severe provocation.
中国议会通过法令,授权武力干涉台湾如果岛内自治政府寻求正式独立,台湾称这一举措是严重的挑衅。 |
China's Peng Shuai was one of the first players to notch wins in this year's US Open Series, as first round action kicked off at the 0,000 Bank of the West Classic in Stanford on Monday.
作为今年美国网球公开赛的得分佼佼者之一,中国选手彭帅,于星期一在斯坦福大学出战总奖金为60万美元的西部银行精英赛的首轮比赛。 |
China's Premier Wen Jiabao has proposed a free trade zone encompassing China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan.
我国计划将开辟一块自由贸易区,以便和亚洲北部的领国进行贸易来往。 |
China's Premier Wen Jiabao sent a congratulatory message on Sunday to the 9th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union, which is held from July 1st to 3rd in Accra the capital of Ghana.
第九届非盟首脑会议7月1日到3日在加纳首都阿克拉开幕,中国国务院总理温家宝周日致函表示祝贺。 |
China's State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping officially announced the new accurate height of Everest is 8848.43 m on October 9th.
2005年10月9日,中国国家测绘局正式公布珠穆朗玛峰的精确高度为8848.43米。 |