In most urban districts, temperatures were at 11 degrees Celsius at 8am.
在市区大部分地方,今早八时的气温是摄氏11度。 |
In most weathers, they work outdoors.
在大多数天气条件下,他们在室外工作。 |
In most westen countries,if you cannot ,for one reason or another ,come to a dinner party as agreed,you will have to phone the host in advance and excuse yourself for not being able to come.
在大多数的西方国家,如果你由于种种原因你不能按约定的时间参加聚会,那么你应该事先打电话告诉主人并征得他对你的谅解。 |
In most work success is measured by income and while our capitalistic society continues, this is inevitable.
在多数工作中,收入的多少是衡量成功与否的标准,当我们这个资本主义社会继续存在时,这是不可避免的。 |
In motion on the ocean, The moon still keeps on moving, The waves still keep on waving, And I still keep on going.
大海扬波,明月依旧在飘动,波浪依旧在波动,而我依旧往前走。 |
In motions of rotation angular momentum appears in much the same way as linear momentum appears in motion of translation.
在旋转运动中的角动量产生的方式与平移运动中的线动量的产生是基本相似的。 |
In much as were from the beginning.
大部分跟开始一样。 |
In much of China, children in state care are given unusual surnames that clearly identify them as orphans.
在中国许多的国有的孤儿院里,孩子们被冠以“与众不同”的姓氏,而从这些姓氏中就可以简单的认定他们的身份:孤儿。 |
In much the same tone of voice, a voter in Michigan said she like President Reagan and thoughtI better not rock the boat, so I'll go with a Republican again this time.
密歇根一位选民以几乎同样的语调说,她喜欢里根总统,她心想,“我别无事生非,所以我这次还是追随共和党。” |
In much the same way as golf, snooker demands high standards of etiquette and behavior from all players, at all levels, at all times.
与高尔夫差不多,斯诺克要求选手在任何级别的比赛上、在任何时候都要具备高标准的礼仪举止。 |
In multi-media area, there are 40 computers available to read live ABC and CNN magazines.
在多媒体自学区有40部电脑,可用来观看ABC及CNN互动光碟。 |