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The venetian blinds hung askew and admitted a triangle of white light, the shadow of the foreman's hand moving into it.

The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee by June 15. 例8:卖方须在6月15日前将货交给买方。
The vendor shall maintain the equipment in good repair. 卖方须完好地维护设备。
The vendor should state when they would be able to store studies or images generated from cardiology, dermatology, gastroentology, pathology, ophthalmology, etc. 供应商应该申明他们什么时候可以存储分析结果或者从心脏病、皮肤病、内窥镜、病例学和眼科学等等科室的生成的影像。
The vendor signs a contract with the purchaser. 卖方须与买方签订契约.
The venerable doctor has been providing medical care to the residents of the small town for decades. 这位可敬的医生数十年一直提供医疗服务给这个小镇上的居民。
The venetian blinds hung askew and admitted a triangle of white light, the shadow of the foreman's hand moving into it. 活动百叶窗歪歪斜斜地挂着,一角白光从中漏进来,工头乔?安奎尔的手移到了白光中。
The vengeance formation in Medea gives an explanation of natural and attacking character of human being, opening a new expressional route in tragic drama. 美狄亚复仇阐释了人的复仇攻击本性,其独具特色的残酷型复仇将人类超常态特性推向极致,开辟了新的悲剧表现内容。
The ventilation isn't working. 通风设备出故障了。
The ventilation state in three shafts of Wujia coal mine after reform and economic benefit are introduced. 介绍了五家煤矿三井通风系统改造前后的通风状况,改造后产生的经济效益,阐述了矿井通风系统方面的几点看法。
The ventilation system of any building is a perfect hiding place. 任何建筑的通风系统都是完美的藏身之所。
The ventilation system of any building is the perfect hiding place. 任何一所建筑的排风口都是完美的藏匿处。

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